A Global Movement Emphasising the Sustainability & Cost-Effectiveness of Repair Over Replacement

The modern world runs on electronic systems that are designed to last many years. Tons of natural resources are carved out every day to produce semiconductor chips and other components. These will eventually be mounted on printed circuit boards (PCB) and will effectively become the brain of most pieces of industrial technology. These expensive circuit board assemblies are used in industrial applications to help control our vehicles, production machinery, airplanes, wind turbines, and so on. Typically costing from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, they are ultimately used to manage power, safety systems, monitoring devices, quality checks, and many other functions.

Replacing faulty industrial technologies for new ones is wasteful, unnecessary, and aggravates the E-waste issue. According to the United Nations University, more than 50 million tons of E-waste are produced globally every year. It’s past due time for the replace-not-repair mentality to be phased out across the business spectrum.  It’s an essential step to eliminating waste, lowering emissions, and saving precious resources.

Created in 2015 by ABI Electronics in the UK, the ‘Repair, don’t waste’ movement seeks to draw the attention of business leaders, academia, and the wider society to the benefits of developing the capabilities to repair rather than replace industrial electronic systems. This website was designed to give access to relevant technology and training for repair, share knowledge, and best practices implemented by leading organisations that are reducing waste, costs and creating quality technical jobs across the world.

RDW Alternative to Industrial E-Waste

The resting place of our discarded electronics is a mystery to most of us – but why should it be? 

By embracing a more hands-on approach to maintenance and repair, consumers and industry are taking direct responsibility for their contribution towards the E-waste disaster that is currently building. Sustainability is an action that is based on self-sufficiency. By encouraging industry to be accountable for their own waste and waste solutions – which can involve cutting out unnecessary waste completely through the modes of repair and maintenance – it gives the power of responsibility back to those who are actively involved. By being able to maintain their tools of production without external influences, companies can become self-reliant and untouched by the volatile landscape of electronic component shortages. Heavy industry has a long history of being wasteful and environmentally damaging – at Repair, Don’t Waste, we believe this image can be changed towards a sustainable, circular future.

Education is Key

Due to material shortages created by the 2020 world-wide pandemic and its aftereffects, the world has started to view repair in a more realistic light and as a more achievable reality. However, at ‘Repair, Don’t Waste’ we don’t just champion repair in times of austerity and lack; we see our movement as the future’s way of operating, permanently. 

By educating people at a base level and visiting the roots of material society, where items were valued and meticulously maintained, we believe that change can happen. Society is now at a point where this change is necessary, and the time for industry to innovate and confront the challenges of our lifetime is here! 

We do not believe that industry is intrinsically bad or evil – it has afforded us the amazing world we have today. Instead, at ‘Repair, Don’t Waste’ we believe there is a better, more sustainable way for industry to develop, and this starts with valuing our precious materials and consigning the ‘make-break-waste’ mentality to the past.


How can your organisation get involved?
Drop us a message on info@repairdontwaste.com