Automaker acts to eliminate E-waste through in-house repair and maintenance

Sustainability in the automotive industry is for many a strategy that will spearhead a new, circular future. And in many ways, the production of electric vehicles en-masse is one of the first tangible changes we are seeing happen worldwide in response to climate pressures. However, the manufacturing processes to create these carbon-neutral cars are strikingly similar to traditional methods, which create an astonishing amount of waste.

A practical solution for mining and steel industries to offset their carbon emissions.

Carbon emissions, and their offsetting, is an incredibly important topic for all of the worlds industrial giants, but none more so than those in mining and steel production. These companies are racing towards creating a more sustainable future and investing in projects and systems that can help them achieve these goals. Repair, Don’t Waste is proud to be a collaborator in sustainability with both Vale and Usiminas by reducing the potential E-Waste produced in industrial processes.

Phantom Fault In RSS Drill Heads

The subject of this case study is a company we’ll call IDS, short for “in deep ship.” IDS is the designer and manufacturer of RSS drill heads for offshore oil drilling. Prior to finding ABI and BoardMaster, IDS was having a problem with their RSS drill heads. Deep under the seabed, something was causing a fault in the transmission from the drill head. Without a drill head location signal, drill rig operators were forced to pull the drill.