Case study

Automaker acts to eliminate E-waste through in-house repair and maintenance

Sustainability in the automotive industry is for many a strategy that will spearhead a new, circular future. And in many ways, the production of electric vehicles en-masse is one of the first tangible changes we are seeing happen worldwide in response to climate pressures. However, the manufacturing processes to create these carbon-neutral cars are strikingly similar to traditional methods, which create an astonishing amount of waste.

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Case study

A practical solution for mining and steel industries to offset their carbon emissions.

Carbon emissions, and their offsetting, is an incredibly important topic for all of the worlds industrial giants, but none more so than those in mining and steel production. These companies are racing towards creating a more sustainable future and investing in projects and systems that can help them achieve these goals. Repair, Don’t Waste is proud to be a collaborator in sustainability with both Vale and Usiminas by reducing the potential E-Waste produced in industrial processes.

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#RepairDontWaste at InnoTrans 2022

At ABI we believe that investing in your own in-house repair and maintenance capabilities is absolutely necessary for all industries who are focused on emissions and e-waste reductions. ABI offer specialist test and measurement systems to enable companies to do so, whilst advancing their own sustainable mobility and goals. Are ABI’s ‘lifesaver’ systems too good to be true? Why not find out for yourself!

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VLT Carioca invest in #RepairDontWaste

VLT Carioca, also known as Rio de Janeiro Light Rail, has made a huge commitment to the #RepairDon’tWaste movement by investing in specialist test and measurement equipment provided by ABI Electronics. With this investment, VLT are securing a future that is immune to component obsolescence, costly machine downtime whilst taking huge steps towards net-zero targets.

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ARTICLES Semiconductor-Shortage-electronics-industry-issue

Can Industry escape the damages of the chip shortage, and benefit the planet at the same time?

It is common knowledge in the electronics and manufacturing industries that the ongoing covid pandemic has caused an acute shortage of electronic component chips on an unprecedented global scale. The demand for semiconductor chips has been increasing year by year as the world has rapidly embraced the digitalised future. Can Industry escape the damages of the chip shortage, and benefit the planet at the same time?

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